A New Job


By-Law No. 21

1. Every member of the Council of the Municipality of Magrath during the year 1908 shall receive as renunciation for performing the duties of his office as Councilor, the sum of three dollars ($3.00) for every day during said year during which he shall have attended any meeting of the Council regularly held, but no such member shall receive renunciation for more than fifteen meetings attended during said year .


View the original Bylaws at: By-Law No. 21


View the children reenact the Council of the Municipality of Magrath below regarding Bylaw No. 21.


Students drew from the primary resources of the bylaw website to help them understand the history of their town. Working in groups students examined these historical bylaws.  Questions they used to guide them were:

Have laws and bylaws changed over time?
How have they affected the people involved?
What evidence is there that old bylaws still exist today?
What story do they have to tell?
How have these bylaws impacted the people in our community?