The Chicken Ruling



A Bylaws to provide for restraining the trespassing of poultry in the Town of Magrath .


View the original Bylaw No. 37: Chicken Bylaw.


We started to ask questions, not just what the bylaws were and how they were different then from now, but why do you think they needed a chicken bylaw?

Poultry Shoot Out

Poultry Shoot Out

This radio play is about the poultry bylaw and the killing of a dog. Mrs. Barnett has her dog killed by Mr. Tewson. Mr. Tewson shot the doge for chasing his chickens. He doesn't like keeping his chickens in there cage. Mrs. Barnett & Mr. Bennett try and make Mr. Tewosn keep his chickens in their pens.

student actors

Mr. Bennett . . . Played by Justin

Mr. Tewson . . . Played by Ryan

Mrs. Barnett . . . Played by Cali

Kids . . . Played by Justin & Ryan.



View the podcast by Spencer, Jared, and Tucker regarding Bylaw No.37.


Students drew from the primary resources of the bylaw website to help them understand the history of their town. Working in groups students examined these historical bylaws.  Questions they used to guide them were:

Have laws and bylaws changed over time?
How have they affected the people involved?
What evidence is there that old bylaws still exist today?
What story do they have to tell?
How have these bylaws impacted the people in our community?

The chicken bylaw in Ottawa is being challenged by people who want to raise their own chickens in their backyards.