Naming the West : Stories Melrose School

Students' StoriesStudents' Stories

Seniors' StoriesSenior' Stories

Melrose School Student Story 4

I am 118 years old and I’m very small because I’m only 20 – 28 feet and 1 room. I only have about 16 students that are 6 – 13 years old. Oh I see someone coming towards me. Yah Emma Andrews the first teacher that worked at the Melrose school. I wonder why she doesn’t ride a horse to school. Russell Martin is a student that Mrs. Andrews lived with because she couldn’t afford a house in Norris Coulee. Mrs. Andrews was shivering when she came inside the school.

Oh it’s getting really warm now that Mrs. Andrews lighted a fire. I could hear the fire crackling. When the kids came they put all their stuff where it went and then got out their math and started to work on it. I could hear Hedley Halstead one of the students talking to Ted Heaver. Mrs. Andrews caught them talking and hit them on the hand with a leather whip. Then they went in a corner for a time out.  I sure am glad that I’m not one of them. Those two students were the only ones that got into trouble today.

At lunch everyone put their math away and got their lunch out. At the end of lunch everyone cleaned up their mess without begin told. Then everyone went outside and played tag and talked to each other. When it was time to get back to work they hurried in because they didn’t want to get into trouble. One little girl in grade one needed help, but Mrs. Andrews was busy with another student. One of the girsl in grade eight was done so she went over to the little girl and helped her. At the end of the day all the kids were happy to go home to their families.

The next day all of the grade eights were so excited because they were going to the De Winton High School in two days.  

1:50 video (2.15 Mb)

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