"All that is gold does not glitter;

not all those that wander are lost."

J. R. R. Tolkien, "The Lord of the Rings" Book 1, Chapter 10





The web links below have been selected to help research your task:

A Beginner's Guide to Middle Earth A good summary and introduction to "The Lord of the Rings"
Hobbits: New heroes of the movie world Growing up with the pure hero.
The Heroes of Middle-Earth
"The vast appeal of The Lord of the Rings stems from Tolkien’s ability to tell a story that can convince us that we, too, are part of a story, and a story that is even more wonderful than the one we have read in The Lord of the Rings, although it has some of the same qualities"
A Hero by Any Name "Frodo's mission is seemingly ignoble: He fights no battles, rescues no besieged cities and on the rare occasions that he does fight, he loses. Compared to what everyone else is doing, his task seems positively inglorious and burdensome—which is precisely why it is so important."
"The Lord of the Rings" - An Archetypal Hero’s Journey Comparing "The Lord of the Rings" and Joseph Campbell's hero's journey
The Manly Men of Myth and Middle-earth

A comparison of Tolkien's Middle-earth heroes to classic heroes such as Beowulf.

"The Fellowship of the Ring" complete movie script

Screenplay by Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Phillipa Boyens. Based on "The Lord of The Rings" trilogy by J.R.R Tolkien.

(Note: This is a large file and may take a minute or 2 to load)

"The Two Towers" complete movie script

Screenplay by Peter Jackson, Fran Walsh and Phillipa Boyens. Based on "The Lord of The Rings" trilogy by J.R.R Tolkien.

(Note: This is a large file and may take a minute or 2 to load)

So, would Tolkien have liked the film? A friend of Tolkien's ideas of what he would have thought of "The Lord of the Rings" on the big screen

Watching Lord of the Rings Article by Hollywood script consultant Christopher Vogler

Mordor, he wrote... The Lord of The Rings is set to rival Star Wars, both at the box office and as a mythic portrayal of the battle of good and evil. So it's time we recognised the qualities of Tolkien's book as well, says Neil Spencer

Comparing Star Wars and Lord of the Rings A thorough comparison of these two films based upon the Hero's Journey template by Joseph Campbell
Let's Roll! An article on the actions of Todd Beamer, who led passengers on Flight 93 in an attempt to take back control from terrorists on September 11, 2001.
Heroes and Icons Time magazine's links to the stories of 20 people who demonstrated courage, selflessness, exuberance, superhuman ability and amazing grace. Includes Mother Theresa.
Heroes of Yore and Lore Canadian heroes in fact and fiction
Wanted: Someone to look up to A review of Peter Gibbon's book, "A Call to Heroism: Renewing America's Vision of Greatness"