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Hobbits are the new heroes of the movie world

by David Gritten

Fantasy films now exert a stranglehold on the world's cinemas in a way no genre has ever done before. Around the world, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets and The Two Towers, the second in the Lord of the Rings trilogy (which opened in Australia this week), are dominating cinema screenings and reaping millions at the box office.

This blanketing of our movie houses may seem excessive, but it is justified by economic logic: fantasy films are the motor that drives the movie industry in much of the world. The first Harry Potter film, The Philosopher's Stone, took $US967 million ($A1.7 billion) worldwide, making it the second biggest box-office success in history after Titanic. The second Potter film may well emulate that figure, and there are five more to come. This year, the first Lord of the Rings film, The Fellowship of the Ring, has brought in revenues of $US860 million; its two successors are expected to do comparable business.

And let us not forget the Star Wars series, the granddaddy of the fantasy genre, which is now 25 years old. When The Phantom Menace opened in 1999 after a 16-year gap in the series, critics deemed it a disappointing anti-climax. But the audience ignored them; the tills jingled to the tune of $US925 million, making it the third most popular movie ever. This year's Star Wars film Attack of the Clones has notched up $US638 million; hardly loose change.

Such dizzying figures look more like the gross national products of small countries than cinema revenues. But why do films about imaginary worlds dominate the world's box office?

In part, it is because of their main target audience. Ask cinema chain executives to describe their ideal customer and unhesitatingly they will answer: boys aged between 10 and 14. Why? Because many boys of this age so love the dense detail of the fantasy worlds these films depict, they return to see them many times over. They embrace both major and minor characters, plot minutiae, the arcane rules that govern these imagined universes, and eagerly learn more about them on websites, in books, on DVDs and at fan conventions.

As the American critic A.O. Scott has noted, there may be millions of people "whose grasp of the history, politics and mythological traditions of entirely imaginary places could surely qualify them for an advanced degree". A surprising number of these obsessives are young boys. Of course, there are girls of the same age equally devoted to fantasy, not to mention adults whose interest goes back to the first Star Wars film and the Star Trek television series. But when it comes to repeat visits to fantasy films, it is the boys who count. This is hardly surprising, for when they watch these fantasies, they are gazing at idealised versions of themselves.

The heroes of the Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings and Star Wars series appeal strongly to boys caught awkwardly between childhood and adulthood - too old for Dungeons and Dragons, yet too young to feel at ease around girls. (Sex rarely intrudes in these tales.) Such boys may feel marginalised at school, overlooked by the adult world, and generally anonymous and misunderstood. Now consider where their young heroes started out: Frodo Baggins in a tediously tranquil enclave of the Shires; Luke Skywalker in a distant outpost of the Empire; Harry Potter, cowering unhappily in his cupboard beneath the stairs at the horrid Dursleys.

We must not forget comic book fantasy, a sub-genre offering heavily coded morality tales about adolescent rites of passage. Superman and Batman both enjoyed multi-sequel runs in cinemas, while next summer promises big-screen re-workings of The Hulk (directed by Ang Lee) and Wonder Woman. But this year's big winner was Spider-Man, which grossed more than $US800 million and looks certain to become another long-running franchise.

Of course, all these stories conform to the narrative arc of the ancient, archetypal myths outlined by the scholar Joseph Campbell, author of The Hero With a Thousand Faces. Such boy heroes begin in unremarkable places, discover they possess extraordinary gifts, and set out on voyages, using their gifts to combat evil, overcoming several obstacles on the way and learning profound truths about their inner selves. Thus the appeal of these stories seems to be that they address an innocent desire on the part of young audiences for untainted heroism. Yet that desire has always been present in generations of adolescents; so why is it now almost the exclusive province of fantasy films to fulfil it?

To a large extent, it is because heroism in other film genres no longer fits the bill. In the 1950s, sword-and-sandals epics set during the Roman Empire were all the rage, but looked dated and irrelevant by the 1960s; it will take more than Russell Crowe in Gladiator to revive them. Westerns enjoyed a long run of popularity in cinemas, but since the 1970s, when the brutal treatment meted out to American Indians by white settlers became an item on American schools' curricula, cowboy heroism has looked distinctly tarnished. Around the same time, war movies came under similar scrutiny. The widespread unpopularity of the Vietnam conflict (especially among younger people) made it impossible for films to depict cheerful, gung-ho military heroes. Since then, landmark films from Apocalypse Now to Platoon, Full Metal Jacket and Saving Private Ryan have acknowledged the brutality, horror and often the futility of war.

So where are bright-eyed adolescents to look for heroes? Not in any of those tainted genres or in real life: it is surely no coincidence that the upsurge of fantasy films corresponds to the modern world's tendency to root out faults, weaknesses and scandalous behaviour in those public figures who aspire to be heroic.

Fantasy is the one genre that offers up heroism with no reservations. Harry, Frodo and Luke are forever struggling with dark forces, and always with the purest of intentions. They seem immutable, and because they are imaginary creations, stand far beyond the reach of the carping that can dethrone real-life heroes. As such, they are hugely reassuring figures for a young adolescent audience; in their modest way, they offer a way through the thorny thicket of growing up.

- Telegraph
