Exploring Water Issues

Use the resources that have been selected for you to gather information related to the following:

  • Ways your issue affects water quality
  • Different viewpoints associated with your issue
  • Case studies and examples related to your issue

Create jot notes about your topic by gathering key phrases and sentences related to it. You may not copy whole articles into your notes. The maximum you may copy is one sentence or phrase from each paragraph that you read. Copy and paste your information into a word document.

Keep information related to the same idea together and give each section a title so you can quickly find it when you need it.

Also, indicate the source of your information by copying and pasting the URL (web site address) of sites where you obtained your information from into your notes.

Assignment Due:


  • Save one copy of your jot notes into your own file and submit a second copy to the teacher
  • Print out your jot notes for meeting with classmates (due for next period)


  • Submit copy of completed jot notes to the teacher's assignment drop box.
  • Print summary of viewpoints and case studies for class meeting


©2002 Golden Hills School Division #75
©2002 The Galileo Educational Network Association