
You have researched an issue of importance to society and to you. With your heightened knowledge and appreciation of water quality, you have become an steward. It is important for you and others who have undertaken the examination of the same issue to come together to educate, enlighten or make recommendations to those involved in water quality. A water conference is one way to share knowledge. As an involved party, your input into ways to share your knowledge will be considered. The first step is to prepare and meet with others.

Prepare to Meet

You will be meeting with students who have studied the same topic as you to discuss your issue and compile your findings. In order to prepare for the meeting you must create an outline of main ideas from your research paper. You will also need to ensure that all of the images that you have collected are together in a folder. Your point form outline should contain information related to the following:

  • Clear statement of the issue or problem
  • Why it is important
  • Cases related to issue
  • Data related to issue
  • Recommendations

Assignment Due:


  • individual outline
  • Print off and bring a copy of your outline to the Inter-class group meeting.


  • Submit a copy of your individual outline to the teacher's assignment drop box.

Conference Preparations

Inter-class Group Task

You will working with 3-4 other students to prepare a 10 minute multimedia presentation for the Water Conference.
Work with your group to complete the Conference Proposal Sheet

Purpose of Meeting

  • Determine team members
  • Present information related to the impacts of this issue
  • Select best arguments and evidence to be presented at the conference
  • Generate recommendations for individuals and governments related to the issue
  • Compile images collected during research into a shared folder that can be used for the presentation.
  • Create an outline for your presentation


  1. Organize into 3 teams who present 3 different viewpoints related to the issue (You will create a collaborative presentation that supports one of the general viewpoints ie. no changes needed, drastic changes needed, some moderate changes needed)
  2. Create a Group Conference Proposal Sheet that includes information under the following headings:
    • Names of group members
    • Viewpoints that will be presented
    • Presentation outline that includes
      • a creative introduction
      • impacts of the issue
      • reasons and evidence related to the issue
      • a summary of the issue
      • recommendations and conclusions.
    • List the images that will be used in your presentation
    • List responsibilities and tasks of each group member in a table with the following column headings:who, what and by when.

Outcome of Group Meeting

Complete and submit a Conference Proposal Sheet outlining what your presentation will look like.

  • The introduction and conclusion must be collaboratively written and designed.
  • Each group member will be responsible for developing one impact, one reason with evidence and one recommendation.
  • Group members must have equal speaking parts during the presentation.

Assignment Due:


  • Conference Proposal Sheet


  • Submit Conference Proposal Sheet to the teacher's assignment drop box.

Assemble and Practice Your Presentation

  • Work with your group to assemble your 10 minute Conference presentation using Power Point or some other presentation software.
  • Determine who is presenting which parts
  • Practice your presentation until it is polished and professional
  • Use the assessment rubric to complete a self assessment of your presentation.

Assignment Due:


  • multimedia presentation
  • individual self assessment of presentation


  • Presented at the dress rehearsal to the other grade 8 students.
  • Self assessment submitted to teacher's assignment drop bo

©2002 Golden Hills School Division #75
©2002 The Galileo Educational Network Association