Naming the West: Davisburg Community - Student Story 2

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Davisburg Community - Student Story 2

This is the Heritage Heights Naming the West radio program. We are here today with Mr. Blackwood. Hello Mr. Blackwood may I ask you some questions about your farm.


Why sure I would love to answer a few of your questions. What was this area called long ago?


It was Glenbeg. They changed it in 1888 after D.W Davis. Davis was the first member of Canadian House of Commons from Alberta. Today it is known as Davisburg. What did they farm long ago? The men farmed wheat and hay. The women would farm carrots, potatoes, peas and corn.


Why did they farm? That was the only way to make a living. How did they farm? They would farm with horses to pull equipment for plowing, seeding and harvesting.


How would they harvest their crops in time? They would keep the kids home from school and they would get the neighbors to come and help with the crops. It would take days to farm the crops alone. What would they have for livestock? They would have a couple horses, cows, Some times goats, sheep and pigs.


How long does it take the farmers to farm their crops? It could take 2 to 6 days.

1:30 video (3.30 Mb)

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