Pictures of our new classroom aquarium.
Pictures and descriptions of the Jackfish we dissected, cooked and ate. Student Work
Answers to some of our questions.
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Our New Aquarium

Here are pictures of our new aquarium. A Grade 5 boy named Kyle brought his tankful of 14 goldfish and 2 plecostamus to live in our classroom - he wants to get a snake. The fish are enormous! We'll take some pictures today. We have a lot of questions about these fish.

Pictures of the fish tank and descriptions.
Picture Description
Picture of fish tank in the classroom. This is our tank in the classroom.
Grade one student taking a picture of the fish aquarium. Maisie, a student, is taking pictures of the fish.
Picture of goldfish in the aquarium. The fish in the middle at the bottom of the tank is the biggest of all.
A picture of a large fish (plecostamus) with black spots swimming head-up along the front of the fish tank. The black fish is called a spotted sucking catfish or plecostamus.. You can see his mouth in the picture.
A grade 1 girl makes a fin like a shark and moves across the

Sarah is moving forward with her fins
and tail. She has a big shark fin sticking up on top.


Kindergarten and Grade 1 boys moving fins like birds' wings. The boys are "flying" in the water like rays.
Sting rays move their fins like birds flap their wings.
Grade 1 and Kindergarten girls swimming like seahorses on gym mat. Seahorses move ahead in short spurts. They push with fins at the back as well as their tails.
Closeup of gills.

The goldfish open their big mouths and take water in. The water goes out through the gills. The gills take the oxygen out.

Closeup of goldfish mouth,

Glass bowl with fish.

The Betta Splendens or Siamese Fighting Fish lives in a glass bowl with bamboo and river rocks. The betta uses his little side fins to keep straight so he doesn't fall over.

Close-up of fish.

The fish tank at the beginning of the year has only 4 medium goldfish. The new fish make the tank very crowded. The big fish knocked down the "No Fishing" sign but they don't hurt the little fishes.