Naming the West : Stories

Students' StoriesStudents' Stories

Seniors' StoriesSenior' Stories

Millarville Student Story 4:
Millarville - Church House

I am the church house.  First I was built as a house for the preacher on the church property.  I was built in 1908.  I was not used for many years.  I am located on the east side of the church.  I was then turned into a parish hall also known as the church house in 1938.  I am still standing in the same place as before and I am always being used by the community.  Come and see me at Christ Church.

Church Bell
I am the church bell that is on Christ Church today.  I was donated by the Hudson Bay Company.  I was found in the Alexander Corner Building in Calgary.  I was first rung on June 2, 1930 at the wedding of a girl from Millarville and a man from Midnapore.  Still I am on the church today.

Church Grounds

On the church grounds there was a memorial tree planted with the names of the people in the community that were not buried in the cemetery.

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