Naming the West : Stories High River Medicine Tree

Students' StoriesStudents' Stories

High River Student Story 2:
Medicine Tree

Hi my name is Cara. I’m here interviewing Ryan and Anthony about the Medicine Tree. Where was the medicine tree originally located?

It was originally along the river west of the old Bar U Ranch.

Why did the first Nations worship the medicine tree?

We believed that it had special powers. It was a tree with good spirits. It was also a place to worship.

When did the Medicine Tree die?

It died in 1958 because the wind blew it down.

How old was the Medicine Tree?

The tree was over 100 years old.

Why did they move the tree to High River?

People thought it was a good symbol for High River.

How tall was the Medicine Tree?

The tree was between 50 and 80 feet tall.

Where is the medicine tree now?

Part of the Medicine Tree is at George Lane park. The rest of the tree could not be salvaged.

Thank you for your time and information.

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