Going, Going, going ... GONE!

"As more and more weight was added, we knew it was going to fail, but when?" Sarah M

Bridge Busting Weight - 20.6 kg, Cost as per estimate $1,627,000 - Cost per Gram Held - $79.02

"The supports failed first - back to the drawing board." Rich

Bridge Busting Weight - 8.8 kg, Cost as per estimate $1,788,800 - Cost per Gram Held - $203.27

"The outer frame held up long after the vertical supports failed. Users would have had plenty of time to get to safety." Erik Vik

Bridge Busting Weight - 16.5 kg, Cost as per estimate $1,456,000 - Cost per Gram Held - $88.24

"The bridge itself never did fail. It's stands need to be redesigned." Sarah H

Bridge Busting Weight - 15.5 kg, Cost as per estimate $1,071,000 - Cost per Gram Held - $69.10*

"Multiple joint failure, no warning, just BOOM." Ashley

Bridge Busting Weight - 19.0 kg, Cost as per estimate $2,512,800 - Cost per Gram Held - $132.25

(*Best cost to weight held ratio.)