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Conversations : Round Table : Consensus

The Inuksuk - Round Table Conversations

This is the transcript of a taped conversation. The bold writing is the teacher.

So coming from your groups, what thoughts do you have? Remember the Heritage Minutes we looked at, how will we let people know we were here, what is it that after we are gone that we are gone that we will want to say to those that come through our doors?

I think Inuksuk signifies a messenger because of all the things it means.

As a messenger, what message would it be bringing?

  • For our school, it is a safe place to be.
  • It would be like an ancient street sign to the Inuit.
  • The way to the school.
  • Communication form one person to another, it could communicate it is a safe place.
  • It gives a message that you don’t have to be afraid.
  • I think the original Inuksuks were also built for legacy, to show where they were and who they were.

Can you talk a little more about that legacy?

  • The people that were here before, a remembrance of those who were here in this place before, in respect to those who are here and in hopes of those that come after us will have a positive learning experience.
  • I also think it is a legacy of the past. How can we link all of those together?
  • I think that each Inuksuk is different in each tribe, a defender of each tribe and their culture that is how it becomes a legacy, like a culture of learning.
  • Learning having a good experience, having fun, setting goals.

Legacy is a key component you have hit on, like the Heritage Moments, how things become a part of history and how they are inherited so to speak. Inuksuk could symbolize legacy how can we build that particular concept? Is it a legacy about learning, is it a legacy about the place, and is it a legacy about the people and then what about the past, present and future?

  • I think it is a legacy of all of those things combined. It shows thanks for living in such a beautiful place, or learning in a beautiful place.
  • I think if we tried we could combine all these together.
  • It is like having a traditional law that shouldn’t be destroyed or anything we should have a sign that shows it is a traditional law and linked to that.
  • Guide to special place could mean our school, sign of welcome of friendship and joy in front of the school; if you are new it could mean welcome, if you have been here before you already have friendship and that you could find joy for either of those.
  • A sign of respect for the past and our heritage before us. The
    Inuksuk pointing to the school could mean it is pointing to the place of learning, the doorway of learning.
  • Building on a high place show that it should be higher up because it does show that it is then more important.
  • Point the way to harmony of two or more people and to balance the honor of it because it would show that harmony exists between two or more people which would be the whole school and then balance the honor of it.

Is the point of something being higher look at the notion that because it is higher it gains in stature?

A remembrance of all of those who were here before us and all the people who are here currently.

Acts in the place of humans as it would show everyone that is and was in the school.

Why is the human figure important as our symbol?

Well, it represents people, our society, that we are welcome, that people will always be a part of the school. Communication of one place to the other and so it is the communication to be respected.

I disagree, because it isn’t necessarily balanced because it wouldn’t be balanced if people just loved each other all day. A balance is the people that like each other and are friends but the people that dislike each other and can still get along. The harmony would be just pointing to the school and representing harmony, it isn’t saying everyone does get along but that they can get along.

It already connects with nature because it is a person but is made of natural substances.

An Inuksuk is built to honor a great place of significance and a school is a place where people enjoy themselves. It could also be a guardian of the school; it could guard over the learning and keep it safe. It could also guide the students, parents and staff as they go into the future, if we show respect, just like in the traditional laws that said, if you do show respect it will bring good luck.

Teachers, staff, parents, will you stay here or go somewhere else.

I think we need to address the safety of the Inuksuk… how can we protect it against vandalism? If our message about the Inuksuk is powerful enough then it will perhaps be protected. Even if we make people think about that, if they did destroy the Inuksuk, perhaps they will think of their actions later and how they destroyed something that means a lot to others.

It could leave a message even when we are gone, that is still here to guide new kids as they come here. If something significant it would show what is significant to each of us.


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