Industrial Impacts on Water

The world's water is being used as an industrial toilet bowl. Industries discharge massive amounts of the most toxic pollutants- human waste into the water system.

The construction and continual operation of power plants, particularly those fueled by fossil fuels can have profound impacts on water quality and supply. Many toxic synthetic chemicals that cannot be broken down at all by natural processes are deliberately introduced to our water systems. Even in tiny amounts, some of these substances can cause serious harm to people, plants and animals.

The Great Lakes, the Fraser River, and the St. Lawrence River are, and continue to be, seriously contaminated by such toxic pollutants. During the 1940's the Love Canal of Niagara falls New York became a toxic dump for a chemical company. Later the area was declared a state of emergency.

Thermal pollution, underground injection wells and leaking storage tanks add to the list of water pollutants linked to industry. Governments intervene, lobby groups voice their opinions, and citizens have banned together to launch class action suits against offending industries.

Your task is investigate industrial impacts on water quality and supply and make recommendations for addressing this issue.


Industrial wastewater and contacts

A collection of sites that explain the Love Canal toxic waste disposal site at Niagara Falls NY

Impacts of Power Plant on Water Quality

Alberta Environmental Protection and Enhancement Act

General Resources on Water

©2002 Golden Hills School Division #75
©2002 The Galileo Educational Network Association