Our Roots Website Nos RacinesGalileo Educational Network Association

Stampede School Games

Students Help Set Up A Teepee

Teepee Raising RacesOral Communication by students

"How to set up a teepee. First, they're tying the lodgepole pine sticks together for the ribs. Now they're tying them together. Now they're putting it up. And now they're setting up some ribs, it has to be seven ribs. Ribs are those poles they're putting up right now. Now they're making sure it's sturdy."

"They're tying the buffalo hide onto another lodgepole pine stick. Now they're laying it on and wrapping the buffalo hide around the teepee."

"And now we're putting up buttons. The buttons are for holding the doors together. Now for the ears and the ears are for letting the smoke out. Now they're pressing in the pickets to keep the teepee down from blowing up from the wind from the west."

Teepee 2



"The teepee is finished!"




Teepe 3


"Now we're folding up the teepee. Folding it up, getting all the wrinkles out of it and now we're rolling it up. And we are finished!"

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