Our Roots Website Nos RacinesGalileo Educational Network Association




"Listen to me I can tell a hundred stories. I was honored to be part of a smudging ceremony. I can tell you about moccasins. I can tell you about teepees and buffalo. I can tell you about grass dancing and sun dancing and jingle dancing. I am a historian with a hundred stories."

Georgia- Grade 1 student

"On the bottom of the moccasins there’s a hole that represents when a bad spirit comes it won’t get the baby. If they didn’t have a hole on the bottom the baby might be taken by a bad spirit during the night. The good spirit will be with the baby to protect the baby. The hole lets the good spirit in and takes the bad spirit out.

The eagle on some moccasins represents leadership and friendship.

Moccasins always smell like beef jerky cause they are dried and they did it over a fire.

The beading would take two months to do on some moccasins or maybe a year because they have to stitch them on. It takes a long time to make a moccasin.

They also needed buffalo hide to make moccasins.

My dad owns a pair of moccasins. He got them from Grand Chief Rose Laboucane. They were for friendship and partnership. The moccasins were made traditionally."

Matthew & Spencer - Grade 2 students

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