Re: View Media Project for Grade 10 English

Ready to Present?

Check your work with the "Mistakes to Avoid" section of the Adbusters site.

Presentation Guidelines

Below is the rubric on which you will be evaluated. Take a look at it and then talk to your teacher about any questions you might have. This rubric should guide you in the preparation and presentation of your project.



Visual Assessment Rubric




Below Standard







Communication Objective
Objective is absent. Most of the assignment requirements have not been fulfilled
Objective is unclear. Some of the assignment requirements have not been fulfilled.
Objective is general but understood .Selections meet assignment requirements.
Interesting and clear objective. Selections demonstrate thoughtfulness.
Meaningful and well-defined objective. Selections demonstrate insight.

Choice of Concept

Audience Awareness

Inappropriate choice of concept. No relationship to or understanding of audience.
Concept appears to be randomly selected. Audience is unclear.
Concept is clear to the intended audience.
Concept has been thoughtfully selected to appeal to the intended audience.
Concept has been deliberately created to have a powerful impact on the audience.


visual, headline, copy, harmony

Design elements impede communication
Design elements incidental to communication
Design elements are appropriate for intended audience.
Thoughtful use of design elements supports communication
Creative use of design elements enhances communication


rehearsal, voice, pacing, volume, clarity, expression, eye-contact


unaware of audience and purpose. No evidence of rehearsal. Not prepared.
Somewhat aware of audience and purpose. Little evidence of rehearsal. Poorly prepared.
Aware of audience and pupose. Some evidence of rehearsal. Appropriate volume and some eye-contact.
Clearly aware of audience and purpose. Rehearsal is evident. Effective pacing, volume, expression and eye-contact.
Engages adience and effectively fulfills the purpose. Rehearsal is evident and delivery is smooth. Effective pacing, volume, expression and eye-contact.
Personal Management Skills
Requires excessive teacher intervention and supervision. Unable to manage time or behaviour.
Requires frequent teacher intervention and supervision. Frequently unable to manage time or behaviour.
Is somewhat self-directed but rarely takes the initiative to seek help when needed. Behaviour requires some supervision.
Is self-directed and takes the initiative to seek help to extend personal knowledge, skills and ideas. Behaviour requires minimal supervision.
Is a very proactive learner who takes the initiative to explore learning opportunities outside the classroom. Is self-disciplined so behaviour does not require supervision.
Teamwork Skills
Uncooperative and interferes with the learning of others.
Uninvolved and does not extend assistance to others.
Generally seems interested. May extend assistance to others when needed.
Always interested and cooperative. Extends assistance to others when needed.
Always encouraging and supportive of others. Readily extends assistance to others.