Interview an Expert

Decide who you could contact as an expert on this issue. Write down the name and contact information about this person including a brief explanation of why they would be considered an expert. Create a list of questions that you would like to ask this person.

Create an introduction of who you are and the purpose of your contact. Submit this information to the teacher for approval. When your expert and questions have been approved, contact the person and arrange to interview them. You may conduct this interview either over the phone or using email. Their input into your issue may be used to clarify and/or add to your research. Ask for approval to quote them in your research.

Personal interviews may not be conducted unless first approved by both the teacher and a parent.

Remember to thank your expert for their time and for helping you with your research.

Assignment Due:


  • Interview Questions and Answers

Where -

  • Submit copies to the teacher's assignment drop box.


©2002 Golden Hills School Division #75
©2002 The Galileo Educational Network Association