Frodo, Harry and Luke

What does "The Lord of the Rings" have in common with "Harry Potter" and "Star Wars"?

More than you might think...

"Star Wars" 1977


Have you ever had the feeling when you're watching a movie or reading a book that somehow, you already know the story line and recognize the characters? That it reminds you of something else?


The stories and character types in George Lucas' original "Star Wars", J.R.R. Tolkien's "The Lord of the Rings", and J.K. Rowling's "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone" make for an interesting comparison.


While they take place in differnet settings, there are some striking similarities:

They all have wise wizards with amazing powers.

They all have evil foes threatening to control the world.

And all have unlikely heroes.


Analyze the similarities in these three stories. Look especially at these points:

  • Main Characters
  • Supporting characters
  • Similar Fellowships
  • The nature of Evil
  • The nature of the hero
  • Purpose of the hero's mission
  • Suffering of the hero
  • Results of the hero's efforts
  • Moral of each story


Your Task:

1. Decide which of these stories/films you believe most accurately portrays the unlikely hero.

2. Create a presentation or web page that lists the similarities and differences between them.

"Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone", 2001

"The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring", 2001