To look is one thing
To see what you look at is another
To understand what you see is yet another thing
To Act on what you know is all that matters

- Taoist Saying

Successful leaders have the courage to take action where others hesitate.
Author Unknown



As you examine some of the problems and concerns associated with development and North-South relations, consider which area you would like to further investigate and take action on. In order to be successful, this project must be carefully planned and executed.

PROPOSAL - May 1, 2003


You must prepare a written proposal of your project to be presented to the teacher. This will provide an opportunity to assess the feasibility and effectiveness of your intended project before you invest a great deal of time and effort into it. Your proposal must be word-processed and include all of the following information under the appropriate headings:

a: Topic

You may choose any topic that deals with some aspect relating to the themes that we will be studying. Some suggestions are poverty, hunger, foreign aid, sustainable development, fair trade practices, industrialization and technology, the role of women, food distribution, trans national corporations, immigration policies, the weapons trade, environmentalism, the United Nations or other issues related to global peace and security.

b: Audience

Explain who your intended audience will be and why they are appropriate for your project.

•What point do you want to make with your chosen audience?

•include the full name and title or position of the person(s) that you will be directing your project to

c: Purpose

Explain exactly what you hope to accomplish with your project. What specific action do you want to take? Try to act locally if possible. How will this action address the issue?

Choose a format that will be most effective for the purpose you have in mind. Submit one copy to the teacher and another copy to the appropriate audience. You may wish to consider one of the following formats:

• an article for a local newspaper (one copy to be submitted to the teacher and one copy to magazine publisher)

• a report for a specific government official such as the External Affairs Minister of Canada (proof of receipt and a local action needed)

• a fund raiser for a specific develpment project in a country of the south or other local worthy cause - Crisis Shelter, Food Bank

• organize a letter writing campaign for Amnesty International or around some other global issue

• volunteer through a Non governmental Organization (NGO) such as: Operation Christmas Child, Oxfam, Bridgehead, World Vision, Ploughshares, Youth for Global Justice, Global Village, Arusha, the Red Cross, etc.

• volunteer at local Food Bank, Crisis Shelter, Schools, Churches


This is a written report that must include the following information about your topic:

•an explanation of the issue or problem being addressed

•what caused the problem or issue to arise

•what the consequences might be if the issue is not addressed (Why is this issue important?)

•what SPECIFICALLY you believe should and could be done to address the problem

•an explanation of how your recommendation will help to address the issue

•the address of the organization that will be the recipient of your project



Your action needs to be completed by this date. Submit a 1/2 to 1 page summary of how successful you were. Celebrate your hard work and success by including details of your activities, positive outcomes, letters of apprecialtion or acknowledgement you received, and any other items that show your accomplishments.


PROPOSAL DUE: May 1, 2003






Project Evaluation Rubric


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