The Family of John Ware

John Ware was born in slavery in the southern states around 1845. In 1882 he started working as a cowboy at the Bar U ranch. He was a very good horseman. In 1885 he branded his cattle with the brand 9999 and then he later bought the brand 999. He was married to Mildred in 1892. He never learned to read or write. John and his wife had six children. Nettie was the oldest of John Ware’s children, born in March 9, 1893. Robert was the second child born November 29, 1894. William had a twin named after her mother Mildred. They were born September 20, 1898. Then there was Arthur who was born July 4, 1900. Daniel, the youngest, was born in November, 1902, and died when he was two years old.


John Ware was a very good man who taught young cowhands how to lasso and wrestle steers. He once was riding home and his own horse was too tired so John asked someone if he could borrow a horse. The only horse available was a wild bronc so John rode that horse home and returned it two days later and it was well broke. Another time John Ware was taking the family for a ride in a buggy. Suddenly the team was struck by lightning. John unhitched the team of horses and pulled the buggy back to the farm by himself.


John died in 1905 by falling off his horse and breaking his neck. Mrs. Ware died the same year as Mr. Ware. Their grandparents raised the children. John and Mildred were buried in Calgary cemetery. Millarville community members put up a memorial cairn for John Ware in 1970 at Kew, by Ware Creek.



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