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"The following story written by a grade 2/3 student in October demonstrates an understanding of engagement, richness of word pictures, emotions and feelings."

The Deer By Dakota

Creek! Hailey opened the door to the kitchen and took her boots off and put her boots outside. Hailey had been picking carrots in the garden. "Dad I need some help with the carrots!" called Hailey. Her big round bucket was full of big, fat, orange carrots!

"Hey! I will take the bucket and you can pick some more," said Dad.

All of a sudden Hailey heard a noise. It was a deer. The deer was standing in the bushes. It was rubbing against a tree scratching itself. The scratch, scratch sound was loud in the quiet of the day.

Hailey's Dad told her to take a bath because she was so dirty from digging the black dirt of the garden. When she came out of the bath all the carrots were gone. The deer took them all away. She was so tired, sad and frustrated that she took a nap.

When she woke up she saw the deer with all the carrots. The deer saw her, got scared and started running. Hailey started running after the deer. Once the deer got to his family he shared the carrots all around except for one. The big, fat one it saved for Hailey's Dad.

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