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"The following story written by a grade 2/3 student in October demonstrates an understanding of engagement, richness of word pictures, emotions and feelings."

The Sunday Dinner by Charlie

While my mom was picking vegetables in the yard, my brother and I went to the neighbors for some eggs so my Mom could make the Sunday dinner. We hitched the horses up and went up the dirty, slimy, muddy path to our neighbor's house. We went through the wet puddles on the wagon. The wagon wheels got stuck in the mud and puddles so the horses pulled and my brother and I got out of the wagon and pushed the wagon up the steep hill. The wheels kept slipping back on us. On the way back we switched the horses to the other side and they went perfectly.

We got home in time for a lovely delicious dinner. When I saw the table I thought it was the most beautiful thing I had ever seen in my whole life. All the gold and silver cups and plates. It was beautiful. We talked about our day over the dinner. The conversation went on and on. I had finished so I asked if I could go upstairs.

The stairs were very steep. When I got up to my room I cuddled up with my quilts. They were very soft and cuddly. Soon I went to sleep and dreamed about my day. It was such a wonderful day. I dreamed about things that might make my life easier. I would like to have heat in my bedroom. I would like not to have to go outside to the outhouse to go to the bathroom. I would dream of having more than two dresses. I also dreamed about the nice blue sky and the lovely green fresh grass, the sheep and cows running around in the fresh green world.

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